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Paul’s Highlights- Years of Dedication to Public Service! 

Greenburgh Town Supervisor (1992-Present) 

People want to live in Greenburgh because we’re among the best! 


Highest bond rating for the past 17 years; AAA from both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. These ratings enable Town borrowing for capital expenditures at reduced rates. 


2023-MONEY Magazine named Greenburgh the 8th Best Place in the Northeast; 

2023 -FORTUNE Magazine- 9th Best Place in the U.S  for families


2025- Working to keep crime rates at historic lows 


Personal Service- Residents are welcome to  reach out directly to me and our staff


Smart zoning decisions benefit employment- a $1.8 billion initiative for a corporate expansion of Regeneron will result in the hiring of 1500 new employees.


Quality of Life Enhancements

Recreation, bike paths, sidewalks, open space, parks, pickleball and cricket! 

Increased open space from 200 to 600 acres 

New parks - Taxter Ridge, Glenville Woods and Taxter Ridge 

Sidewalks- 12 miles  built in recent years

Bridge Bike Lane- Successfully lobbied the NYS Thruway Authority to allow lane on the Mario Cuomo Bridge.

Bike Days-Advocacy going back to 2000 resulted in specified yearly bike days on the predecessor Tappan Zee Bridge 

New playgrounds, interactive kiddy pool, dog park, pickleball courts.

Public-private partnerships for indoor tennis 

Attracted 2 for profit indoor golf businesses on Central Ave 

Greenburgh Nature Center- funded capital improvements 

Cricket field- First in Westchester!


Mentoring Our Students 

Established internship programs


Greenburgh Student News Network- helped start monthly run program


Tech Angels

Worked to establish this student run program at Theodore Young Community Center. Seniors and other residents receive free help with technology related issues


Snow Angels

Over 30 years ago, started program wherein students provide free snow shoveling help to elderly and disabled residents


Police Summer Youth Camp

Started 27 years ago and provides the opportunity to be trained by our dedicated Greenburgh police. Some graduates became police officers, and,in 2024, one was promoted to Detective!



Adopted strongest ethics laws in the U.S. which prohibit elected Town officials from receiving campaign contributions from employees, contractors, consultants, developers and others seeking to do business with the Town. 


Transparency and Open Government 

Board meetings streamed live on our website and cable and residents can  participate remotely 


Affordable Housing 

Approved multiple affordable housing complexes–Town currently has 784 units representing 4.3% of total. Of these 376 units, were constructed during my administration 

First community in Hudson Valley to require 10% of multifamily housing units to be affordable

Addressing Unexpected Crises

COVID Angels- Established, and worked with dedicated volunteer group to help thousands of residents  obtain vaccines

Baby formula shortage - connected families with generous residents who donated formulas 


Created Greenburgh’s first Chamber of Commerce 

Repair Cafe 

2024-helped organize the first complementary cafes at Theodore Young Community Center. Residents received help repairing jewelry, furniture, bicycles, clothing, computers and more!


Living History initiatives  

Facilitated 150 interviews of local veterans who served in either World War II or the Korean conflict.

Initiated volunteer interviews of 9/11 and Holocaust survivors. 

Acquired Odell House which is being restored and will become a museum.

A beautiful Veterans monument was constructed at DeSanti Plaza,Hartsdale

Town Historians publish history blogs posted on our website  


Promoting the Arts 

2024-Organized first outdoor Arts Market at Richard Presser Park .

Artists  invited to display their works at Town Hall and other municipal buildings. 

Cable TV shows highlight artist exhibitions at Town municipal buildings  Infrastructure Successes


Town Hall relocated, Library expanded, constructed Highway garage and 2nd floor at Theodore Young Community Center. 


Connected the Knollwood Water station to Rumbrook.

This required the installation of over 1 mile of a 30 inch diameter water main that connects 2 pump stations and provides a backup if one station doesn’t work 


Solar Panels

First Westchester Community  to install  panels in a Town Hall 



2011-Performed first same-sex weddings in Westchester at Greenburgh Town Hall. 

Created a Human Rights Committee 


Paul’s Prior Achievements 

Westchester County Legislator (1984-1991) 

Persuaded Board to approve open government initiatives, including allowing residents to speak at Board meetings 

Created the “Have a Heart for the Homeless” Committee which raised funds and assisted  over 400 families. 

Lobbying effort resulted in the purchase of the Old Putnam Railroad track which was then converted for usage as a bikeway from Yonkers to Putnam County



For more than 10 years, established weekly office hours inside agreeable local supermarkets to make it easy for residents to seek help with problems


Citizen Activist (Pre-1984)

Bikes and Buses 

Chair of Citizen’s Task Force for Bikeways.

Persuaded Westchester County Legislature to appropriate funds for first bicycle path along the Bronx River Parkway (1973) 

Appointed to a County Committee by Westchester County Executive Al Del Bello and  advocated for closing the Bronx River Parkway for cyclists on Sundays during seasonal months. “Bicycle Sundays” has continued for over 50 years!.

Organized the first bus service from Westchester to NYC 1982 -service. 


Persuaded the Scarsdale Town Club in 1977 to admit women 

Historically, the male President of this politically powerful club would run unopposed for Mayor of Scarsdale. Admitting women not only broke the broader social discriminatory barrier but eliminated this political barrier 


Common Cause Public Service Achievement Award 

Named by former Watergate Prosecutor, and Chair of Common Cause, Archibald Cox, as one of six national recipients of this Award. Cited for “force of imagination, initiative and perseverance that have made an outstanding contribution to the public interest in the areas of government performance and integrity” (1982) 



● St. John’s Law School 1981 JD 

● Fordham University BA Urban Studies, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude 1978 

● Married to Sherrie. Daughter, Julia.



Paid for by Friends of Paul Feiner, Carrie Feiner Trenk, Treasurer 
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